“Canada has several different work permit options for individuals and employers"
However, there are two primary work permit programs in Canada:
- Temporary Foreign Worker Program: A Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is required for a foreign national to obtain a work permit
- International Mobility Program: An LMIA is not required for a foreign national to obtain a work permit
The purpose of the LMIA is for employers to demonstrate to the Canadian government that the hiring of a foreign worker will not have a negative impact on Canada's existing workforce. The federal department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) wants to ensure that the hiring of foreign workers will not displace existing workers in Canada nor place downward pressures on their wages. Workers that need an LMIA fall under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).
In addition to work permit programs, there are two different types of work permit types as well:
- Open work permit - this allows you to work for any employer in Canada, except for an employer who is listed in the ineligible list due to previous non-compliance or they are part of a specific category class.
- An employer specific work permit – allows you to work for a specified employer, and contains information specifically relevant to that employer, work type and location
There are also “ELIGIBILITY” requirements for individuals who apply for work permits, some of the requirements are:
- Show that you have enough money to take care of yourself and your family members during your stay in Canada and to return home
- Prove to an officer that you will return home after your work visa expires
- Have no criminal record
- Not to work for an employer who is on an ineligible list
- Not to be a danger to Canadian security
Contact us and we can give you the entire list of requirements: